
Sunday, April 3

Cloth Diapering Pt. II - Wool Covers

My first order of business in my cloth diaper sewing adventure is to zip off to the thrift store and see what kinds of old wool sweaters I can snag for next to nothing. See, I ran across pre-made wool diaper covers in the past few months while researching cloth diapers, but saw the cost and said, "Not happening." I considered knitting my own, and that's still a possibility.
Then I found these websites, one with the scoop on making your own wool diaper covers out of old wool sweaters, another with a pattern and instructions to do it, and yet another with instructions on how to lanolize and relanolize occasionally, to keep the moisture resistance. I will definitely post pics once I get this figured out. I can't imagine NOT sewing up four wool diaper covers for $5-10. Here I go!

(Yep, it's the same old Lanolin you might having laying around if you're breastfeeding!)

I think these wool covers made from old sweaters are the coolest thing EVER, especially the ones with pants attached:

Can you believe someone snagged these as old kids sweaters at a thrift store and sewed them into these darling covers and pants? I hope to create some covers as cute as these. Stay tuned! :)

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