
Wednesday, August 10

The Name of [JESUS]

I had a thought last week. It occurred to me after one of the evening sessions of Team Church conference (see my last post) and the same day that I heard about another distant relative dying of cancer. The thought grabbed me, and I reflected on it for a time and later had a great discussion about it with my husband. My thought was this:

How many diseases and broken lives would be healed if the Name of JESUS was spoken with faith, honor and expectancy?

I'm still overwhelmed by the idea, and soaking up all that God is teaching me and speaking to me about it. He is growing me in my understanding of who Jesus is and the power in that incredible name.

I also want to share this short blog post by Holly Furtick, [Just say Jesus]. It follows this topic. I recently discovered Holly Furtick's blog, and I'm so glad I did. She is an amazing woman of God, a mom of three and wife of the awesome Pastor Steven Furtick. Anyway, when I read her post I said, "My thoughts exactly!" I love when God is up to something in me and He uses something random like a blog post to confirm what I'm learning :)

I'm going to strive to lift up the name of Jesus today, and see how it changes my world. You can join me if you want to!

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