
Friday, October 14

Paleo in a Nutshell

This is a bulleted list of what not to eat and what to indeed eat with a Paleo Lifestyle (I like to call it a "lifestyle," because "diet" often has a negative connotation). It is from Dr. Ben Balzer's blogpost introducing the diet. You can find the whole thing here.

The essentials of the Paleolithic Diet are:

Eat none of the following:

· Grains- including bread, pasta, noodles

· Beans- including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, snow-peas and peas

· Potatoes

· Dairy products

· Sugar

· Salt

Eat the following:

· Meat, chicken and fish

· Eggs

· Fruit

· Vegetables (especially root vegetables, but definitely not including potatoes or sweet potatoes)

· Nuts, eg. walnuts, brazil nuts, macadamia, almond. Do not eat peanuts (a bean) or cashews (a family of their own)

· Berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.

Try to increase your intake of:

· Root vegetables- carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, Swedes

· Organ meats- liver and kidneys (I accept that many people find these unpalatable and won’t eat them)

There are a bit more guidelines with adapting the lifestyle. His articles, and many others, suggest to ease into it with breakfast for a few days, then add in lunch, packing it at home and bringing it to work or school. And I think everyone that eats this way understand that every day isn't going to be 100% Paleo, but the goal is to strive for that. Anyone who has done this for longer than a week knows that a "cheat" meal doesn't really pay off, because you feel so icky afterwards. Junk foods don't even look like food anymore (let's be honest -they're not!) and you crave real, whole foods like vegetables, meats, and fruits. And just to be clear, you don't crave fruit in an, "I need sugar now!" way. It's a wonderful, free feeling that food doesn't control you; you're not living to eat, you eating to live. I can't wait to get back to feeling that way every day. It is the best!


  1. This is really similar to the PCOS diet that we switched to before we got pregnant with baby #2. Hubby and I both felt AMAZING after two weeks on it! Definitely has to be a lifestyle change though! I will NEVER go back to eating gluten again! And I don't even want to eat stuff made with it anymore cuz I feel so good!!

  2. Awesome! Yes, it's amazing after the initial "gluten/carb detox" how you don't want it any more I found it kind of creepy how I didn't know the hold it had on me until it was gone! We are going to ease into it this time, but so far so good :)
