
Saturday, January 21

New Year, New Blog Direction

Hello, my friends! How is everyone doing?
Much of the last few months of my life has been about food. We are now a 100% gluten free, 100% dairy free, and about 80% grain and legume free household. And it feels GREAT! Several weeks ago I read an amazing book, one I would highly recommend as the best book I've ever read on diet, nutrition, lifestyle, autoimmunity, chronic pain, fitness performance... the list goes on. The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. It is a brilliant explanation of the why, what, more why, and how of the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, mainly the dietary aspect. Robb Wolf is a former biochemist turned CrossFit trainer and athlete, and the book is full of sound science backing up this lifestyle. Check out for some great free information and resources for living the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, then read the book. The WHOLE book, in order. Then come back here and tell me, This Paleo stuff makes sense!

Along with all this reading and talking about food, of course we've done a lot of cooking. I'm thrilled to say that between my husband and me, we make a dinner every night that rivals any restaurant. (Often in our trusty old friend, the slow cooker!) Now that we've had our winter snow, I'm looking forward to spring, because spring means the return of Farmers' Markets. With four around our city, the little one and I will be making the rounds, gathering up fresh, local foods in the sunshine. Nothing better to cook with than local, in-season produce.

With this new focus on the Paleo diet, I am "relaunching" my blog. I'm eager to try many new recipes and ingredients, and when they turn out (maybe even when they don't) I want to share them with all of you. I would still be stuck in a deprived mindset if I hadn't encountered so many beautiful food blogs full of gluten- and dairy-free recipes, and I want to contribute to that community of people saying YES!

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