
Wednesday, February 20

Ups... and Downs...

Hey y'all. How are you? Do you too feel like February has just flown by? I have not updated in nearly a month and felt the need.

I had a few amazing weeks after my last, mega, blood transfusion. And just last week had blood work taken and got a great report back on my platelets: 54,000! This is still below normal range, which is 150,000-400,000, but much better than the critical numbers I was battling since October. Glory to Jesus and His healing touch!
What didn't come back so great were my liver enzymes, which were quite elevated. My doctor had me get those rechecked yesterday, and thankfully our prayers are being answered, they have decreased. But they have been a bit elevated for a couple months, and I have a liver check up next week, and I know there will be talk of MRIs and biopsies. (sigh...)

All labs will be repeated in two weeks, pending no changes in my symptoms. so then we'll see where things are sitting.

Which brings me to my other news, unfortunately I didn't to enjoy having energy and doing real life stuff again for long. For about a week now I have had an UC flare and been losing some blood and starting to feel fatigue, and then caught a nasty cold which is now in my chest and causing pain and coughing and all sorts of tiredness.
It has been a tough few days, I have been feeling frustrated that I just can't catch a break and be well for longer than that ten day or so stretch I got to enjoy.

Life is hard right now. We are hanging on to the hope of God's provision and sovereign plan, and without that... things look pretty grim.

We have been planning a little road trip getaway for a while, to get out of town, away from the stress, stacks of bills, insurance paperwork, and our still unfinished house. We are scheduled to leave on Thursday morning. If you feel moved to, please pray that we will get to go, that my body will recover a hundredfold overnight, and neither my illnesses nor anything else will stop us from this much needed time of refreshment and fun. A short respite from this cycle of survival mode is so needed.

Thanks for checking in and reading. Life is hard, but God is good!

2 Corinthians 4:16-17
 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."

I am so thankful for this promise!

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