
Friday, April 5

Keeping Hope Alive

At the moment I am sitting at the hospital getting another blood transfusion. Just started my second unit. On Monday my Hematocrit was 22 and my Hemoglobin just 7, so my doctor ordered blood. Two units will only get me up to about 28, so still anemic, but it's something!

Easter weekend was such a turnaround for me, and I thought that was truly it, the beginning of a new normal. But on top of a cold or flu I caught, including aches, bad chest cough and a fever, Ive started having a GI bleed again.

No no no no no!!!

I am fighting to keep my hope alive today. Take things one day at a time. My platelets were up to 20k earlier this week, so I shouldn't lose a massive amount of blood like I did in previous instances. It is hard though, to see this happening, and know where it has led every other time... the ER or hospital.

I am responding very well to the transfusions today, and the bleeding could stop at any moment. That is my prayer. Also I hope and pray that this autoimmune ITP will burn out now, as my doctor is hoping and thinking it will soon. Then while we are figuring out what the best step is for my colon, some bleeding can happen and it won't turn into a critical issue!

Hope... as for me, I will always have hope. Thank You God for your good plans for me (Jer 29:11) and that you love me more than I can fathom (John 3:16).

Better days ahead... I can do this!

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