
Wednesday, May 1

My Life Story in 250 Words (Blog Every Day in May: Day 1)

Okay, so totally last minute, last night I read that Lindsay and some other fab ladies I know that blog, are taking part in the "Blog Every Day in May" Challenge, and I want to try and do as many days as possible.

The challenge comes from Jenni at Story of My Life blog, and her helpful guidelines for the 31 days are here:  in case you too want to jump in on the camaraderie! Emily and Sarah I'm looking at you...

So Day One is, "tell the story of your life in 250 words or less."
Here is my attempt at that. I'll surely be surpassing the limit because I am wordy like that. Enjoy :)

I was born in Seattle in 1984, to a lady that wanted to but couldn't keep me. I was adopted along with my older brother by some really great parents.
I grew up and lived in the same suburban town, twenty minutes outside Seattle, all my life except for college when I lived in Seattle, and then four and a half years ago when my husband and I bought our house and moved forty minutes south.
I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in fourth grade, then a liver disease most people can't pronounce in ninth grade. Miraculously I got a new liver just in time, a year later.
I always wanted to be an athlete. I ran cross country and track in eighth and ninth grade, and returned to sports after my transplant to row and coxswain crew in college.
I grew up in church, but just didn't "get" that knowing Jesus is about a relationship, not a ritual religion. Until I started going to church camp when I was about fourteen, and learned about how to make God part of my everyday from watching my counselors there. Many of those counselors are still dear mentors and friends.
Jesus saved me from becoming all the icky things that having a chronic illness can do to you. My faith is the reason I am alive.
Hubs and I found our church four years ago after we moved, and I have never been the same since. My church is my second home and the most life giving place I have ever been.
My husband is my best friend. We actually grew up in the same town but didn't meet until after high school.
I love to beat odds and push past limits. My daughter is my greatest Victory over odds against me, yet.
I fight to choose joy in every moment.


  1. Love this! Tempting...I might have to join in! :) can't wait to keep reading posts from you!

  2. Yay Sarah! would love to have you join in :)
