
Monday, May 6

Cinco de Mayo XII

Well, I skipped Day Five of the BEDIM, and for good reason. Yesterday was the twelve year anniversary of my liver transplant.
It was a dream of a day. Woke up to blue skies and seventy degrees before noon, got to spend the morning at my amazing church for one of the greatest services of the year, our annual Liberty Offering. Then in the afternoon it was home with my family, BBQ steaks, homemade salsa and salad, lemonade, gluten free cake and brownies. My  big bro was in town which made the day even more special.

Then I was surprised with cards and gifts- I was not expecting anything! My hubby really got me good, he brought out a wrapped box which I opened and it was A PEARL NECKLACE! I had made a little comment a while back about wanting real pearls some day, and I would love to have them to mark our vow renewal in July. Well, now I have them! Wow!!

Hubs took this photo of me wearing my new pearls:

It was a great surprise and very special, memorable day. We wrapped it up by watching a brilliant sunset from the deck. I'm convinced that as tiny and humble our home is, we are on one of the best view lots in our city. I can't wait for summer and all the gorgeous sunsets to come!

If you are not registered as an organ donor, please consider it. One donor can save or improve the lives of over 50 people! Less than 1 percent of registered donors ever get the opportunity to donate. And as of ten minutes ago, 118,019 people are on the waiting list for a life saving organ transplant. Consider the gift of life.


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