Tuesday, May 15

My First Mothers Day

This is how we did my first Mother's Day. Simple and scrumptious!!!

My round one... (I did two rounds of the food!)
Because I can't really eat out at a restaurant 100% safely with all of my food allergies and reactions, we had a lovely Mothers Day BBQ in our backyard. On Saturday I was instructed to get WHATEVER I WANTED by our "family food sponsor," and so off to the Farmers' Market I went! I picked up some locally grown asparagus cut fresh on Friday, two bunches of "BBQ onions" (GIANT white bulb spring onions with long green stalks) and freshly caught and smoked King Salmon. I went to Costco for a three-pack of organic ground beef* and two-pack of bison, which my Hubs mixed together for some incredible burgers. A stop at the produce stand for organic sweet potatoes, mangoes, strawberries and bananas, and we were set. I presented it all to Hubs, and he grilled and baked a tasty feast for us. I didn't sit out completely; I cut up the fruit ;)

Yesterday brought a belated Mother's Day treat, Hubs made coconut milk ice cream. It was a two-day process because we had never done it before and didn't realize that it takes a bit of preparation freezing the bowl, but it was worth the wait! Recipe for coconut ice cream will be coming to the blog soon, you don't want to miss it.

I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful day and felt honored and appreciated in at least one way. I am grateful to be in the "Mom club," and it was a special day for me, full of my favorite activities, people and foods. The only way to celebrate! :)

*To read about the organic ground beef from Costco, check out the recent article in the latest issue of Costco Connection magazine. It is probably better than you think it is, Costco has evidently worked very hard behind the scenes before they rolled out this product, and they continue to keep their standards the highest in the industry. Awesome!

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