Here is a simple little project that took me all of thirty minutes start to finish. I ran across these adorable painted, wooden garden critters -a pretty butterfly, a smiling bumblebee, a happy frog, a colorful dragonfly, and an adorable snail (Hubs' pick)- at Jo Ann a few weeks back, and decided they would work perfectly as the focus of a little mobile idea I had brewing. I bought an embroidery hoop and some sheer ivory ribbon, and once I finally got out my glue gun last week, I went to town. First I cut five ribbons, two about twelve inches and three about fifteen inches long, and glued each critter to the end of a ribbon. Then I tied them (evenly spaced) around the plain wooden hoop, tied five more ribbons in the spaces, tied one big knot at the top, and voila - a mobile! It cost less than ten dollars for supplies and it's just what I wanted to hang above the changing table. Perfect for a little gal's garden room :)

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